Nadia Dafri
The story of Nadia Dafri is one of an adventurer. Originally destined for another career, Nadia Dafri now travels across the globe meeting artisans to listen to their stories and discover their workshops and techniques. These experiences are what bring her collections to life. For Dafri, every journey is a discovery, and every discovery is a source of inspiration and creation. Her story is constantly being written, stitching together delicate embroideries and subtle weaves liberated from the diktats of fashion.
With a fine sense of ethics and respect for expertise that has been passed on through the generations, Nadia Dafri revives ancestral embroideries in a resolutely modern collection of clothing. From New York to Saint Tropez, Tokyo and Paris, her collections are sold worldwide in the best known and most demanding concept stores and multi-brand boutiques.